Drive to Juniper Ridge Trailhead: Honeycombs Wilderness Study Area, Jordan Valley, OR ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Jordan Valley weather forecast.

Honeycombs Trailhead View

Honeycombs Trailhead View

7/15/2020: This was not a hike, but something of an exploratory drive to find the trailhead for the Honeycombs hike . We found it! The drive itself is fun and definitely requires four-wheel drive high clearance. You drive over areas where you ask, “Is that the road going that way?” and lots of gates to go through (close them back). At the end of the drive, the trailhead for the Honeycombs hike, is a great place to camp. There is no water, so bring your own. My goal is to do the hike in May(ish) of 2022. Keep good thought 😊. I give this five hearts because it is such a fun drive getting there. I would definitely do it again just for the drive and solitude at the end of the road.

Marg’s Notes: Objective: Juniper Ridge & Honeycombs hike. Actual: Carlton Canyon-Painted Canyon Loop Trailhead 😐! Rod got to do lots of 4 wheel driving on unimproved roads! GPS got us near where we were supposed to be, but our hike took us down a dry creek, scrambling over big rocks. We only went about a mile but took us 1 hour & 42 minutes. We stopped at a place that would required lots of climbing & we were tired! When we got back to the car, we drove some more & found Juniper Ridge. Went through several gates! Juniper Ridge was beautiful! Worth the drive. Had lunch there, altho it was ~3:00. We also found the hike we were looking for. It would be good to camp up there & do the hike in the a.m. Uneventful drive back to camp.

Happy Hour. Spanish rice & tuna for dinner. Then, we walked ½ mile up creek. Very pretty & some swimming holes. To Bed! I woke up in the middle of the night again ☹.